Governors State University will be the host site for a three-day training course on Multi-Hazard Emergency Management for Higher Education this summer. FEMA (Emergency Management Institute is leading the Course.) All SMHEC Mutual AID members are requested to attend.

This course provides higher education institutions with knowledge and planning strategies to protect lives, property, and operations more effectively and efficiently within comprehensive emergency management. The primary audience for this 3-day training is personnel from institutions of higher education who have responsibilities for creating, reviewing, implementing, and exercising EOPs. This includes personnel with direct responsibility for emergency management and other campus personnel who may serve as planning team members.

The people who need to be trained are those who traditionally have experience in response strategies vs. planning strategies and have minimal experience in emergency management planning for higher education institutions. The methodologies of the course will be to Course Methodologies:

Highly interactive presentations and class exercises coupled with numerous individual and small-group practice activities will help ensure that participants develop a high level of mastery in the class and will facilitate the transfer of relevant skills and knowledge. The course will take place on July 15-17, 2025.